Monday, July 12, 2010

Getting to Know Him

There is a three week visitation requirement in Kazakhstan before you can apply for the adoption of the child. So for every day with the exception of Sunday (baby washing day) we visited.  We headed back to the orphanage again the next day and my emotions were all over the place. I felt a heavy blanket of guilt for leaving behind "Y" and knowing that we would see him again with each orphanage visit. At the same time, I was overjoyed at the thought of holding Grant again. He did better the second day meaning he didn't scream the entire time. He did sleep most of the time which would become his usual means of coping. I also think he was given medicine to make him sleepy and drowsy. No child sleeps that much and that deeply.  He was impossible to wake up. Eric even held him upside down one day to try to wake him without success.  It didn't matter what time of day we came, he looked at us and then slept.  "Little M" (the one year old adopted the day we met 'Y' didn't do that with her new mother "T". She played and laughed and toddled around happily. Grant sat and stared with a dazed blank affect on his face and then dozed off. We were scolded multiple times for letting him sleep too!

I loved feeling his little cheek against mine. 

We tried spending our days outside with him. The inside rooms didn't get any breeze and the staff wouldn't allow us to open any windows anyway.  So for several hours we would walk around the orphanage grounds watching the older children play and vie for our attention.

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